J. Chadwick Illustration Ltd.

  • Illustrator - Archaeological Finds, Reconstructions, Plans and Imaging

Jacqueline Chadwick is a professional Illustrator who has created a large and varied portfolio of images and interpretations for clients within the heritage sector for over 25 years. Her range of work includes maps, plans, diagrams, archaeological drawings, reconstructions, full colour paintings of interpreted sites, photography and photogrammetrically generated 3D objects.

Working closely with clients in order to interpret their ideas fully, her images enhance and elucidate publications, exhibitions, research projects and public engagement within archaeology, museums, the Portable Antiquities Scheme and their partner organisations.

Jacqueline is happy to undertake page-layout work, image reformatting and general ‘tidying’ up for publication. She is a member of the Lithic Studies Society, the Association of Illustrators and the York Consortium for Conservation and Craftsmanship. A picture is worth a thousand words – save time and space with an illustration.

J. Chadwick Illustration Ltd.
30 Ryder Street
CF11 9BT

Mobile07746 165917

